Workshop on the Roma and Sinti among prejudice and history and dissemination event in Bari

The workshop "Pride and prejudice. Roma and Sinti among prejudice and history: the case of the Puglia communities" will take place in the school Japigia1-Verga in Bari on Monday the 13rd of May 2019 from 4.15 pm.

This event will be realized and coordinated by Eva Rizzin, researcher of the Ethnographic and Anthropology Research Centre (CREAa) of the University of Verona, Antonio Ciniero, researcher of the International Centre of Interdisciplinary Studies on Migrations (Icismi) of the University of Salento, Luca Bravi, researcher of the University of Florence, and the RISE project Italian team members.

The families, teachers and managers of the schools involved in the RISE project as well as the Municipality of Bar will attend the workshop.



