The RISE project book is out!

22 dec 2020

The RISE project book "School Education, Minorities and Life: Roma Inclusive School Experiences" is out! The book contains the final reflections and documentation of the RISE project, starting from the presentation of the actions implemented in the local contexts where the project has been developed (Bologna and Bari in Italy, Braga District in Portugal and Novo-Mesto in Slovenia).

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The RISE project video "A message to Europe" is online

25 nov 2020

The RISE project video "A message to Europe" has been uploaded on the YouTube channel of the Department of Education Sciences of the University of Bologna.

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Council of Europe Recommendation: schools should include Roma and Traveller history in teaching curricula

24 nov 2020

The Council of Europe, international organization whose aim is to sustain democracy, human rights, European cultural identity and the searching for solutions to social problems, emanated a new recommendation to on the necessity to analyze and revise current school curricula, textbooks and other teaching or learning materials with a view to eliminating stereotyping related to Roma and/or Travellers and to promoting issues

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Final International Conference at the Institute of of the Innocents, Florence

14 feb 2020

The Final International Conference of the RISE project took place on Friday the 14th of February 2020 at the Institute of the Innocents in Florence. The title of the Conference is "Building a School Together: Inclusive Experiences from Roma Children".

You can consul the program and pictures of the event directly in the documentation section of this website.



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06 feb 2019



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With Transactional analysis to the successful inclusion of Roma in education and training

24 nov 2018


Training for teachers, Roma assistants and social workers was carried out on Saturday, 24th November, 2018 in the premises of RIC Novo mesto. The training was attended by 36 experts from elementary schools:

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Upcoming RISE project events in Slovenia

05 feb 2019

Project RISE (Roma Inclusive School Experiences) is devoted to creating more inclusive schools for all of the children. Project partners from Italy, Portugal and Slovenia are aiming to fight the discrimination in education and to reduce absence rates and educational disengagement, especially of Roma children.

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